#184: Christian Fisher of Settle Your Scores & Scott Radinsky of Pulley

Pop-Punk & Pizza Podcast #184: Christian Fisher of Settle Your Scores
And Scott Radinsky of Pulley
Settle Your Scores just released their third album, “Retrofit”, via Mutant League Records. I think the album has full potential to become a classic album in the pop punk scene. Settle Your Scores lead vocalist, Christian Fisher, joins us on this episode of Pop-Punk & Pizza Podcast to discuss the new album and Dungeons and Dragons. Yep, we went there!
Pulley is considered by many to be one of the mainstays in the 1990s skate punk rock scene. One of things that sets the band apart from their peers is lead vocalist, Scott Radinsky, played Major League Baseball during a good portion of the bands years together. It was fascinating to hear Scott talk about his time as a professional baseball player and how getting kicked out of Ten Foot Poll led to the creation of Pulley. Right now, you can pre-order Pulley’s newest vinyl release, “Encore”, via Sbäm Records.
Much Love,
Jacques LaMore
Pop-Punk & Pizza Podcast is presented by, Pop-Punk Takeout. A monthly subscription box filled with merchandise from pop punk artists from all over the world! Learn more and sign up at poppunktakeout.com. Follow them on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
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