#196: Veronika & Scott of Pop-Punk Takeout

For the past several months before every single single episode of the podcast, you’ve heard me say, “Pop-Punk & Pizza Podcast is presented by, Pop-Punk Takeout”. I think it’s finally time you met the masterminds behind this fun and creative brand. Say hello to Veronika Potylitsnina and Scott Stone. Every month, Pop-Punk Takeout offers a pizza box or Chinese food takeout box to have delivered directly to your door. However, it’s not food inside those boxes. They’re filled with merchandise from pop punk artists from all over the world!
I want to personally thank both of you for being such big supporters of Pop-Punk & Pizza Podcast. I hope you know how grateful I am!
Learn more at poppunktakeout.com. Follow them on social media @poppunktakeout.
Much Love,
Jacques LaMore