#214: 10 Songs for April 2022

In no particular order, here’s 10 songs I think you should give a listen to in April 2022: 

  1. “Perfect Place” – Here For A Reason 
  2. “Wishing Well” – Further North 
  3. “SEA to EWR” – Living With A Bear 
  4. “I Only Do Push Ups When I’m Drunk (Drinking Lonely) – Good Hangs 
  5. “I’m Not Listening” – Promise Game 
  6. “Sugar” – Highwind
  7. “Well Enough” – Glory Days 
  8. “Nosedive” – The Timberline 
  9. “ITYILY” – Whimzi 
  10. “Family Man” – LOVEBREAKERS 

Make sure you vote for your favorite song in the Pop-Punk & Pizza Podcast Facebook group. The song with the most votes stays on our Spotify playlist for another month! The song with the most votes from March’s episode was, “She’s From Chicago” by The Losers Club. So it’s staying on our playlist for the month of April as well!

Want your band to be possibly featured on a future 10 songs episode? Email an mp3 or wav of the song you want to be considered, a bio, press photo, and logo to: [email protected].


Much Love,

Jacques LaMore

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